Thursday, October 3, 2013

Breaking Up Is Hard To...

Breaking old habits is not very easy. If it were, when it comes to reaching fitness goals everyone would be in shape.  The saying goes that practicing a particular activity for 21 days becomes a habit. This may be why so many people never reach their fitness goals. That and the lack of truthful knowledge about working out.

Procrastination is never a good characteristic to have. Don't just simply talk about it, be about it. Challenge yourself to set a realistic time to workout and realistic fitness goals. Don't expect too much from yourself and don't just jump in head first. Remember slow and steady win the race, so in the end breaking up from those old habits won't be so easy to do.


Willie Owens, FACTS Fitness Personal Trainer

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How to set "SMART" goals

Achieving weight loss is one of the most common reasons people seek the gym. It is also one that is often and easily broken. So how do we set goals that actually motivate us to achieve them? I love to use the SMART goal tool!
“S” stands for specific. Your goals must be much more specific than " healthier or abs"if you actually plan on achieving them. Devise a game plan - a play by play of how you plan to get to the end result.
“M” means measurable. If your goals are not measurable, how are you to know when you achieve them? When to reward yourself? “Better” or “healthier” is not a measurement. Good goals must be quantitative as in “I will do cardio for 30 minutes three days a week for the next two weeks” or “I will replace processed foods with specific unprocessed choices."

As you meet your small, incremental goals, celebrate and set revised, measurable objectives that will move you towards your long-term goal.

“A” stands for attainable. Make your goals challenging, but realistic.

“R” stands for relevant. Set goals that get you to where you want to go!
“T” stands for timely. This is a big one! Make a visual to show your goals- a calendar or vision board work awesome! Giving yourself a strict deadline will motivate you to stick with your goals.
Written by Amy Wimer, Personal Trainer for FACTS Fitness

Thursday, November 8, 2012

6 Green Superfoods to Add to Your Diet

The USDA recommends a minimum of 3 cups of greens per week, and many people are not even getting that amount. Greens are the most concentrated source of nutrition of any food and deliver some of the most vitamins and minerals to our bodies.

Loaded with vitamins A and K this helps regulate blood clotting and many prevent some inflammatory diseases. It is also loaded with calcium, magnesium and folate ( an essential B vitamin that is crucial for women).

Part of the cruciferous vegetable family, Cabbage is loaded with vitamin C, which has been shown to reduce the risk of several types of cancer. Other vegetables in this family include broccoli, kale, collard greens, and brussel sprouts, all can lower the risk of prostate and breast cancer.

High in monounsaturated fat Avocados are a healthy fat that can help lower cholesterol. They contain 30 percent more potassium than a single banana, plus vitamin E, K, fiber and oleic acid, which can offer protection against the development of breast cancer.

Did you know that Oregano is a highly effective antibacterial agent? Oregano contains certain oils that are able to inhibit the growth of several types of bacteria. This is a powerful antioxidant that contains more than the vitamin C filled orange.

High in vitamins A,C and K and one of the highest food sources of folate, an essential B vitamin that is crucial for heart health and reproduction. Asparagus is also a natural diuretic and contains inulin which promotes healthy digestion.

Green Peppers
Loaded with vitamin C Green Peppers promote healthy skin and works to heal wounds. They help to lower cholesterol while also being one of the best immunity boosting foods. One serving exceeds the daily requirements of vitamin C.

Kiwi contains more potassium than a banana and is also an outstanding source of vitamins C and E. They are also very high in fiber which helps improve diabetes because of it s ability to control sugar levels.

So enjoy these great green fruits and vegetables. Add some to your salads or a healthy snack!!

Written by Jennifer Washburn, FACTS Fitness Personal Trainer

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Exercise and Hypertension

Hypertension is when blood pressure is greater than or equal to 140 mmHg in Systolic Blood Pressure (top number) and greater than or equal to 90 mmHg (bottom number). Normal blood pressure is 120 SBP over 80 DBP. This is a very prominent disease in the USA, according to the American College of Sports medicine; about 65 million Americans have this disease. Many Americans have hypertension, but many do not know because hypertension does not show symptoms, which is why hypertension is also known as the “Silent Killer.” A person with hypertension doubles their risk of cardiovascular disease; they can have a stroke, heart failure, chronic kidney disease, and other complications.
The good news: you can head hypertension off at the pass. How? Regular exercise and weight loss are paramount in the lowering of blood pressure. Daily physical activity strengthens your heart so it can pump the blood flows through easier. In your fitness plan, it is aerobic activity that will get your heart pumping and help to lower blood pressure. Aerobic activities include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, playing sports and even household chores! This is a drug-free approach to controlling your blood pressure and will help you feel better overall. If you have or think you have hypertension, consult your doctor before exercise.
Written by Derek Tancredi, Personal Trainer

Monday, August 20, 2012

Don't Go No Fat, Go Good Fat!

Healthy fats are important to include in your daily nutrition. They help to manage your moods, stay on top of your mental game, fight fatigue, and even control your weight.
Too many people decide to cut out almost all fat sources from their diet when trying to loose weight. It's learning to make healthy choices and to replace bad fats with good ones that promote health. It's not fat that causes weight gain but rather eating more calories than your body needs.
Not all dietary fats are the same!
Bad fats, such as saturated fats and trans fats, are guilty of the unhealthy things all fats have been blamed for—weight gain, clogged arteries, and so forth. But good fats such as the monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and omega-3s have the opposite effect.

Post written by Amy Wimer, FACTS Fitness Personal Trainer, Steel Fitness Riverport in Bethlehem, PA

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Are you being consistent?

“In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.”
Anthony Robbins

It can be difficult for a busy executive or working parent to find time to work out with consistency, but this important for achieving fitness results. Having a workout plan will help you to achieve greater consistency.

Once you have decided on the type of exercise that you would like to engage in, you'll need to schedule it. Please be realistic when determining frequency and intensity. Create a workout schedule that involves at least a few minutes a day for a warm up, 20 minutes for a cardio activity and additional time for strength training and a cool down. I highly recommend writing down your schedule to solidify your commitment to your exercise plan.

Written by Amy Wimer, Personal Trainer at FACTS Fitness facility, Steel Fitness Riverport

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

3 Foundational Elements of a Successful Wellness Program

A successful corporate wellness program starts with an engaged workforce and consistent participation. There are three foundational steps to building a successful program that will encourage employee engagement:

1.)  Strong support from upper management: The goal is to have a wellness mindset established at the top level in a company which filters down to have a positive impact on all levels of employees. This gives each employee the sense that he or she is a valued asset of the company.

2.)  Educating employees: It is extremely important to educate employees about wellness and fitness, especially to reach the non-wellness segment of the workforce. The sedentary population will be the most challenging to engage, so it is important to have the necessary educational materials available. The non-wellness segment of the workforce must be educated to understand the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle and how to make the changes necessary to accomplish this goal.

3.)  Offering incentives for participation: Incentives are a fundamental element necessary to engage employees in a wellness program. These can be tailored to the workforce in consideration and can range from cash, prizes or free lunches; to half-day Fridays or dress down days. Being incentivized for performance tends to keep participation consistent.
Although there are other considerations, these three elements are an integral part of a successful program. A happy, healthy workforce is of vital importance for your company.For additional information, contact us as
Written by Deborah MacArthur, ISSA, AAAI/ISMA, Director of Marketing, FACTS Fitness