Tuesday, May 22, 2012

3 Foundational Elements of a Successful Wellness Program

A successful corporate wellness program starts with an engaged workforce and consistent participation. There are three foundational steps to building a successful program that will encourage employee engagement:

1.)  Strong support from upper management: The goal is to have a wellness mindset established at the top level in a company which filters down to have a positive impact on all levels of employees. This gives each employee the sense that he or she is a valued asset of the company.

2.)  Educating employees: It is extremely important to educate employees about wellness and fitness, especially to reach the non-wellness segment of the workforce. The sedentary population will be the most challenging to engage, so it is important to have the necessary educational materials available. The non-wellness segment of the workforce must be educated to understand the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle and how to make the changes necessary to accomplish this goal.

3.)  Offering incentives for participation: Incentives are a fundamental element necessary to engage employees in a wellness program. These can be tailored to the workforce in consideration and can range from cash, prizes or free lunches; to half-day Fridays or dress down days. Being incentivized for performance tends to keep participation consistent.
Although there are other considerations, these three elements are an integral part of a successful program. A happy, healthy workforce is of vital importance for your company.For additional information, contact us as info@factsfitness.com.
Written by Deborah MacArthur, ISSA, AAAI/ISMA, Director of Marketing, FACTS Fitness

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